When: Saturday mornings Investment: 50$
7am - 8am
October 21, November 18, December 16
Where: Online - on zoom
Why: Resting is so valuable! It helps us bring our nervous system back to the relaxed nervous system state. The rest and digest (and heal) state! We often find ourselves (even unknowingly) in a flight or fight or freeze state! We might be go go going in our bodies. We might be go go going in our minds! And sometimes we just need to stop and breathe. And sometimes it's really nice if someone else guides us through that rest! Resting over pillows and bolsters and blankets and blocks is like a yoga nap! We place our bodies in supported positions and rest there, breathe there, be there and see what happens.
Often is feel like magic happens!
To register: click the sign up button. This will lead you to my email. Let me know that you want to join. I will then ask you for payment by e- transfer, or PayPal (PayPal price will be about 8 or 9$ higher due to their new fees) or cash if you live in town and prefer that method to secure your spot in class. Zoom links will be sent after payment is received.